☞ Buy here Mallory tone and treble bleed capacitors for basses and electric guitars from PRS, Fender , Gibson , Ibanez , Takamine, Gretsch, Epiphone with single coil, humbucker, active, P90 and jazz pickups ッ
Mallory 150M Series condenser ideal for all types of guitars with humbucker pickups. This capacitor is the same one you can find in the PRS or Paul Reed Smith.
Mallory 150M Series condenser ideal for all types of guitars with single coil pickups. This capacitor is the same one you can find in the PRS or Paul Reed Smith.
Mallory 150 M Series capacitors are made of metallized polyester film with only 10% tolerance. They are the condensers preferred by technicians around the world for their quality, performance and pure "vintage" sound. They are ideal for repairs, upgrades, or new projects on guitar or audio amplifiers.
Replicas of the authentic Film-to-Foil Alu/PE design of the 60s Mullard/Philips capacitors as used in famous british Amps of the 60s till mid 70s.
Dedicated to bring back the charactor of the classic Marshall and Hiwatt amps for restauration of old original amps, to beef-up remakes or simply to tweek new made amps.